
The project received start-up funds from Arizona State University awarded to Corine Schleif, first from the Institute for Humanities Research through the faculty fellows program, and subsequently from a generous grant from the Carnegie Humanities Investment Fund and ASU President Michael Crow through the efforts of George Justice, Associate Vice President for Humanities and Arts in the Office of Knowledge Enterprise Development. Funding for the preliminary workshop in Germany was awarded to Linnaeus University in Växjö/Kalmar, Sweden, by the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond through the efforts of Karin Strinnholm Lagergren. Preliminary techinical research has been initiated at the University of Lund, Sweden, through the efforts of Anders Sjöström and Stefan Lindgren. Digitzing of Birgittine manuscripts from the Low Countries is being coordinated by the Alamire Foundation and the Catholic University Leuven, Belgium. Examination of nuns' cloisters, galleries, and churches was hosted by Kloster Ebstorf, Kloster Wienhausen, Kloster Lüne, and Birgittenkloster Altomünster.